A-101-3 Modular 12 Stage Vactrol Phaser

The module is no longer in production. The A-101-3 phaser has two sub-units, each with 6 phase shifters (stages): The input signal runs through the 6 phase shifters connected in series and at the output, the original and the shifted signal can be mixed as desired using a “Mix” control. The output of the 6th … Read more

A-101-6 Opto FET Filter/Phaser

The Opto FET filter uses optical field effect transistors. That’s a statement you have to let sink in first. Maybe meditate on it too, it certainly won’t do any harm. Until then, very quietly, the question arises as to what on earth an optical field effect transistor could be and why you need something like … Read more

A-101-1 Vactrol Multitype Input VCF

The Vactrol filter has several special features. Most striking: There is a separate input for each of the operating modes lowpass, bandpass and highpass. This allows several very different sound sources to be treated differently in a single filter. Only the cutoff-frequency and the resonance (and resonance control) are common. If that’s too much for … Read more

A-101-2 Vactrol Lowpass Gate

A Lowpass Gate (LPG) is an odd device. It uses a vactrol circuit and couples a low pass filter to an amplifier (VCA). Then why not just use a filter and an amplifier separately? The LPG can be switched between VCF, VCA and the combination VCF / VCA! In addition, the module is built with … Read more